Weekly Crypto Roundup: 08/21
Welcome to Saturday crypto, kinda like Saturday morning cartoons but with internet coins.
Disclaimer: This is all subjective, this is not financial advice and please do your own research. I maintain positions in ETH / BTC and will disclose any coins I have a conflict of interest with. I know, hard to believe me but I’ll let time.
Hello and welcome! I wanted to start doing a weekly roundup of the biggest news. Here is what I got from last week:
👀Something To Watch
Tether Executives met with Iran, who has been under US sanctions, and posted a photo. LMEOW Then deleted 10 minutes later. I wonder if US regulators will do something about this and if it will cause more Tether FUD. Whatever you feel about that situation just know that this could be something or could be nothing.

👝Degrees of separation from a sanctioned wallet?
After Tornado Cash sanctions, the further implications of TRM mass wallet blocking is limitless. Without any clarity or need for more, protocols like Uniswap / Aave immediately started blocking wallets using TRMs automation. A large portion of the DeFi industry just folded overnight, sadge. You can really see who is really a crypto native and who is a TradFi larper.
🐱🐭Tom & Jerry: Sanction Edition
Ad blocker for TRM sanction address blocking has arrived. Let the cat and mouse game continue. This will continue to happen but now begins the new narrative of trustless and truly censorship free DeFi services.

👩🚀Justin Roiland x Paradigm
Pretty good UI / UX initial site. That is the only reason why I really included it in here but it seemed like something cool to watch. Paradigm has so much money, there is no way they are just doing a 10k PFP collection.
🍁America Lite says no more shitcoins
Canada will only allow you to buy 30k worth of altcoins per year. But you can still buy as many lottery tickets as you have dollars.
📊Visualize Tokenomics
Coingecko adds a tokenomics section to listings so that normans can figure out how badly they are going to get dumped on. The feature was inevitable but worth a share.
🏹NYMag Story about 3AC / Su & Kyle
Good title lmeow and the piece was good overall. Worth a read but not really any additional info or reporting.
🖼Sudoswap NFT Marketplace
What is the hype? What do we need to know? I am not investing in NFTs right now so this is a little over my head but I am looking to do a deep dive to further my understand of what makes Sudo different.
Sudoswap main explainer thread
🌗New Do Kwon Interview
Cobie can put together better interview questions for Do Kwon than a professional media company. Not surprising honestly.
⏳$SAND Unlock
This happened this week, we watch price and on chain to see how big wallets react.

Big SAND wallet movements during this unlock will be updated on this Twitter thread here.
😊Is is Optimism season?
OP SZN or is this a desperate glimmer of VC exit liquidity occurring briefly before more turmoil? Only time will tell but I will be tracking big wallets from Optimism on a personal thread.

Big OP wallet movements during this unlock will be updated on this Twitter thread here.
🐂$APE Coin Bull Thesis
I am not bullish on anything metaverse yet. Gun to head, if I had to pick one existing brand to be the leader, it would have to be BAYC. The amount of money they have access to will give them an advantage putting them lightyears ahead of independent founders with better ideas. They have assembled the death star and are burrowed too deep into some of the holy crypto establishments.
Want to be a blockchain developer? LINK
Random Resource - LINK
🗺️Outside of Crypto
Joe Biden signs the IRA - Inflation Reduction Act
Have a great week and let me know on Twitter if you think anything should be included in the next roundup.